Sunday 5 May 2013

The Importance of Saving Money (SPM English Continuous Writing)

The Importance of Saving Money

Cars, houses, a college education, holidays and medical bills all have something in common. They cost money. As time goes on we need lots of it as inflation and greed have forced the prices of services and goods upwards. It is not enough to have money, it is important to save some of it. There are always unexpected expenses like wedding gifts, funerals and birthdays. Even if we give a token, we need to save in order to pay for gifts or donations.

The next most important reason we need to save is for medical expenses. This is sometimes covered by medical cards and employers but we always need some spare cash for the things they don't cover or to pay the premiums. Savings also help pay for the quality of the medical services we need.

There are also other benefits of savings which are pleasurable. We could save to make the trip o lifetime to a place we want to visit. Savings could help realize the world tour we dreamed of as a kid. Saving money enables us to make timely investments when opportunity knocks. We will not be able to grab that condo, share issue or car on offer if we do not have spare cash.

Saving money helps us pay for our dream home without paying too much interest to the bank. We could save from a young age and be surprised to see how much we have at the end. We need to save to be able to afford a college education for ourselves and our future generations. It helps us to get a better job.

Finally, the habit of saving creates a sense of emotional and mental security that is essential in today's world. We need that assurance that we are safe financially to enable us to lead a normal life. Many people today suffer from tremendous stress if they have financial insecurity. It is one of the cause of rift between siblings and extended family when you are unable to meet your financial obligations.

Thus, the habit of saving money is essential to live a happy life.

                                                             (A passage from Oxford Fajar Achieve! English Model Test Papers
                                                           SPM Latest SPM Format by Kamala Ganehsan and S. Thiruselvam)

Travel (SPM English Continuous Writing)


Travel has become easier today with the development of science and technology  Vehicles have improved greatly in providing more comfort and taking us to places faraway at greater speed. What used to be wishful thinking has become a reality today, thanks to the brilliant and creative innovations of man.

There are many benefits that people obtain by travelling. It provides a chance to widen our horizon and minds. There is much that we can learn from books but so much more that we learn when we travel away from the comfort of our homes. We see new places and learn about new cultures, food, traditions and a thousand other things. We meet different people and learn of their ways.

Travel provides an education not acquired in books. It is an eye-opener in numerous ways. We learn of different music, dances, food and come to understand the history and geography of different lands. We can read about snow but to actually touch it or play with it provides a thrilling moment. To climb mountains or ski in snow-clad valleys is a joy in itself.

While travelling we also learn about ourselves. We learn about tolerance as we see different people with different customs and religions. We learn about patience whe we sit at airports and stations while waiting for delayed flights or trains. We learn about kindness and compassion when total strangers treat us well and help us when needed. Travel reveals much about ourselves too and we learn to adjust and adaot to different things in different countries. It will indeed be a pity if we were to make trips and remain the same as we were before we left on the trip. Surely that would be a waste?

Travel also makes us aware of the many blessings that we have in our homes and country. You will find many disadvantaged people in many countries. You will also find people who live quite happily without the many comforts that we have. Travel then would teach us to be grateful for what we have. I am very grateful that I live in a country that is peaceful and that people of many races can live in harmony here.

Everyone should travel if there if there is an opportunity for them to do so. You could travel about in your own country initially and go further when possible. It can be joyful and bring many pleasant memories.

(A passage from Oxford Fajar Achieve! English Model Test Papers
SPM Latest SPM Format by Kamala Ganehsan and S. Thiruselvam)

Wednesday 1 May 2013



Menurut kamus Komprehensif Bahasa Melayu, perkataan bahasa membawa maksud sistem lambang-lambang bunyi yang dipakai sebagai alat perhubungan dalam lingkungan satu kelompok manusia. Terdapat pelbagai bahasa yang digunakan di dunia iaitu Bahasa Arab, Bahasa Cina dan Bahasa Inggeris. Bahasa telah dijadikan alat komunikasi antara satu sama lain. Biasanya mereka menggunakan bahasa antarabangsa yang mudah difahami ialah Bahasa Inggeris iaitu lingua franca.

Lingua franca merupakan bahasa perantaraan yang digunakan secara sistematik untuk tujuan perhubungan antara orang-orang yang tidak sama bahasa ibundanya. Lingua franca juga merupakan bahasa yang dikhususkan dalam bidang tertentu. Contohnya, bahasa Inggeris selalu digunakan untuk kajian sains. Pada abad ke-14, ketika zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka, Bahasa Melayu dijadikan lingua franca di Kepulauan Melayu, tidak kira dituturkan oleh penduduk tempatan mahupun saudagar dan seniman yang mengunjungi Melaka melalui Selat Melaka.

Terdapat pelbagai faedah menguasai pelbagai bahasa. DI antaranya ialah dapat berkomunikasi dengan pelbagai bangsa dari serata dunia. Di situ kelebihannya, ketika melancong, kita tidak perlu megupah jurubahasa kerana bayarannya agak lumayan. Apabila berada di negara luar kita perlu berkomunikasi dengan bahasa yang digunakan untuk memudahkan urusan jual beli. Biasanya peniaga mudah memberi harga yang lebih rendah dalam proses tawar menawar. Jika pelancong tidak pandai bertutur dalam bahasa yang digunakan mereka akan memberi harga paku belanda dan inginkan keuntungan lebih semata-mata.

Selain itu, apabila bertutur dalam pelbagai bahasa kita dapat memahami percakapan yang telah digunakan. Kita boleh mengetahui sama ada mereka menggunakan kata-kata kesat atau lucah kepada kita dalam bahasa ibunda mereka. Kita juga dapat mengelakkan perselisihan faham dan bertukar pendapat. Seterusnya, apabila dapat menguasai bahasa penduduk di sekitarnya akan melahirkan rasa hormat atas kesanggupan kita untuk belajar bahasa mereka.

Di samping itu, kita boleh mendapat ramai kenalan dari setiap negara apabila berkomunikasi di laman web. Kita boleh bertutur dan belajar ketika berkomunikasi di laman web. Kita boleh mempromosikan negara kita melalui kenalan di laman web lalu menarik minat pelancong untuk mengunjungi negara kita. Kita bukan sahaja memperbaiki bahasa yang dipelajari bahkan juga dapat bertutur dengan lebih fasih.

Tambahan pula, kita juga dapat lebih peluang pekerjaan terutamanya dalam bidang media mass yang memerlukan pengetahuan di dalam pelbagai bahasa. Seorang wartawan harus menguasai sekurang-kurangnya lima bahasa terutamanya bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa ibundanya. Pekerjaan yang melibatkan diri dalam bidang media massa juga mendapat gaji yang lumayan. Jurubahasa di dalam televisyen perlunya mengetahui pelbagai bahasa mengikut rancangan yang dikendalikan. Ada juga yang bertugas untuk menaip sari kata bagi paparan di televisyen.

Akhir sekali, kita boleh memahami rancangan yang diminati tanpa perlu membaca sari kata yang disediakan kerana sari katanya lambat daripada pertuturan pelakon atau kesalahan tatabahasa yang digunakan. Kita akan berasa lebih seronok menonton rancangan yang diminati tanpa perlu penat membaca sari kata yang disediakan. Kita juga boleh membaca buku komik atau buku cerita dari penulis asal tanpa perlu peralihan bahasa.

Konklusinya, setiap orang perlulah menguasai pelbagai bahasa kerana lebih banyak kebaikan apabila kita menguasainya. Peranan ibu bapa menjadikan seseorang itu berjaya tidak kira apa jua yang diceburi.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Ayat Aktif dan Ayat Pasif

  1. Ayat aktif ialah ayat yang mengandungi kata kerja yang mengutamakan subjek asal sebagai unsur yang diterangkan.

  • Kamal menendang bola.
     2. Ayat pasif ialah ayat yang terdiri daripada kata kerja yang megutamakan objek asal sebagai unsur yang diterangkan. Dalam Bahasa Melayu, ayat pasif berpelaku sahaja iaitu ayat pasif pertama, kedua dan ketiga yang dapat dibentuk daripada ayat aktif.

  • Saya menghadiahkan pen itu kepadanya. (AA)
  • Pen itu saya hadiahkan kepadanya (AP)

  • Kamu menulis cerpen ini. (AA)
  • Cerpen ini kamu tulis. (Ayat Pasif diri Kedua)

  • Mereka telah menaiki kereta itu. (AA)
  • Kereta itu dinaiki oleh mereka. (Ayat Pasif Diri Ketiga)

3. Walaubagaimanapun, ayat pasif yang lain tidak mempunyai ayat aktifnya.

  • Pakaian itu belum berlipat

  • Pintu itu tertutup

  • Pencuri itu kena tangkap semalam.

  • Saya kehujanan.

Sunday 14 April 2013

What Do I DO Before I Sleep?

Each of us find ourselves hard to sleep at night. Probably because we are nervous, afraid or anxious. We are not ready to face what is coming for us the next day. Here are few tips that works for me (results may vary):

1. PRAY!
No matter from which religion we are from; we pray when we face problems. Studies shown that when we pray to God; tell him our problems; makes us feel better and calmer than before. But remember, do not pray for something you want like 'a car, NDS, PSP and all that'. God will give you something that you want when you need it so just pray to tell God that you are grateful for all the things you receive.

2. Write your feelings.
Studies also shown that we write our feelings in our journal or diary, we fell more relax. When we write our feelings, it's as if our burden or stress is gone for the moment. This also works when we have our exam coming. It is said; we will have a better result when we write down our worries but of course you need to study first....

3. Draw
Drawing can be very relaxing for me. Your drawings doesn't need to be so pretty. All you need to do is draw what ever comes in mind. Your drawings reflects your emotions too. Sometime when we draw a little child crying sitting all alone means that we feel the same way as that drawing. That kind of drawing might means that you lost someone you love or feel somewhat lose, unwanted.

4. Read
Reading can be a great way to past your time when you can't sleep. Just a pick a book that is not too heavy like "Physics". Usually I read the "History Textbook" to make me fall asleep because it's very boring. However, it doesn't work for me anymore as I find few of the topics very interesting. You should do a light reading like magazines, manga or picture books. Just make sure you don't get too engrossed on the book and before you know it: it's already 4 am.... Please... just take a very thin book...


1. Priscilla means ancient.

2. Rise of the Guardians, Dreamworks Animation has been nominated the best animated film in Golden Globe.

3. Isla Fisher voiced as the Tooth Fairy in ROTG.

4. Samsung Young Hello Kitty is a limited edition.

5. Cats make about 100 different sounds.

6. Ile-de-France is a region of north central France.

7. Lily is a symbolic of unions and partnership.

8. Apples are a member of a rose family.

9. Miyako in Japanese means Night Child.

10. Nur in Arab means Light.

Friday 15 March 2013

Physics Form 4 Keywords



  1. Base quantities is a physical quantities that cannot be defined in terms of other physical quantities.
  2. Derived quantities is a physical quantities that derived from combination of base quantities through multiplication, division or both.
  3. Scalar quantities is a physical quantities which have magnitude only.
  4. Vector quantities is a physical quantities which have magnitude and direction.
  5. Systemic errors are errors caused by the condition of the measuring instrument or environment when measurement are taken.
  6. Random errors are errors due to mistakes made when measurements are taken either through incorrect positioning of the eye or sudden change of environment factors.
  7. Zero error is a measuring instrument that does not exactly start from zero.
  8. Parallax error is an error due to the incorrect positioning of the eye when taking a reading.
  9. Consistency is the ability of a measuring instrument to give readings with a very small deviation or no deviation from the mean value.
  10. Accuracy is the ability of a measuring instrument to give readings nearest or almost equal to the actual value.
  11. Sensitivity is the ability of a measuring instrument to detect a very small changes in the quantity being measured.


  1. Linear motion is the total length of the path travelled of the path travelled by an object from one point to the other.
  2. Acceleration is the change of velocity against time.
  3. Inertia is the tendency of an object to maintain its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless it is acted upon by an external force.
  4. Newton's First Law- An object which is at rest will remain stationary or a moving object will move with constant velocity if there is no external forces acting on it.
  5. Momentum is the product of mass of an object and its velocity.
  6. Newton's Second Law of Motion- When a net force acts on the object, the acceleration of the object is directly proportional to the net force and has a magnitude that is inversely proportional to its mass.
  7. Impulse is the product of impulsive force, F acting on an object for a time of impact, t.
  8. Impulsive force ia a large force that acts over a short period of time during collision or explosion.
  9. Gravitational field strength, g is the gravitational force acting on a unit mass in the field.
  10. Gravitational acceleration is the acceleration of an object due to the pull of the gravitational force.
  11. Weight, W is the measurement of the gravitational force on the body.
  12. Mass, m is the measurement of the quantity of matter in the body.
  13. Forces in equilibrium is where an object is said to be in equilibrium when all the forces that act on the object are balanced in all directions.
  14. Newton's Third Law of Motion- For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
  15. Resultant force is the forces acting on a body can be combined into a single force.
  16. Work is done when a force alter the direction of the object to move towards the direction of the force applied.
  17. Energy is the potential or the ability to do work.
  18. Potential energy is energy possessed by an object due to its hsape or position.
  19. Gravitational potential energy is energy carried by an object due to its different height above the Earth surface.
  20. Power, P is the rate of which work is done or rate of energy transformed.
  21. Efficiency is the percentage of the input energy that is transformed to a useful form of output energy.
  22. Elasticity is the ability of an object to return to its original shape and dimensions when the applied external force is removed.
  23. Hooke's Law is the extension or compression of a spring is directly proportional to the force acting on it provided the elastic limit of the spring is not exceeded.
  24. Spring constant, k indicates the stiffness or hardness of the spring.


  1. Pressure is the perpendicular force acting on a unit area.
  2. Manometer is used to measure the differences in gas or liquid pressure.
  3. Bourdon Pressure Gauge is used to measure a very high pressure.
  4. Archimedes' Principle: When an object is totally or partially immersed in a fluid, the upthrust or buoyant force on its equal to the weight of fluid displaced.
  5. Principle of floatation is the weight of an object floatingon the surface of a liquid is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the object.\
  6. Bernoulli's Principle- In a steady flow of fluid (liquids and gases), the pressure in the fluid is low when the velocity of the fluid is high and vice versa.


  1. Temperature is the degree of hotness.
  2. Heat is a form of energy.
  3. Thermal equilibrium is a condition where two objects in thermal contact reach the same temperature and no net heat transfers between them.
  4. Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat energy required to increase the temperature of 1kg of the substance by 1 degree Celcius or 1 Kelvin (K).
  5. Sea breeze is the movement of cool air from the sea towards the land.
  6. Land breeze is the movement of cool air from the land towards the sea.

  1. Light is a form of energy.
  2. Light rays are the path and direction which light energy flows.
  3. Regular reflection is when the light is reflected from a smooth surface in one direction only.
  4. Diffuse reflection is when the light is reflected from an uneven surface and is scattered in all directions.
  5. Laws of Reflection- The angle of incident, I is equal to the angle of reflection, r.
  6. Refraction of Light- The bending of light rays when it passes from one medium to another due to different optical densities and change in the velocity of light.
  7. Law of Refraction- The incident ray, refracted ray and the normal at the point of incidence, all lie on the same plane.
  8. Real depth, D is the distance of the real object, O from the surface of the water.
  9. Apparent depth, d is the distance of the image, I from the surface of the water.
  10. Power of lenses is a measure of the ability of the lens to converge or diverge an incident beam of light.